

Adjunct Professor, Applied Mathematics and Computational Science

Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Science and Engineering Division
Center membership :
Visual Computing


Education Profile

  • PhD Vienna University of Technology, 1983
  • MS Vienna University of Technology, 1982

Research Interests

Professor Pottmann's research interests are in applied geometry, classical geometry, discrete differential geometry, computational design and geometry processing with a focus on applications in architecture and manufacturing.

Selected Publications

  • Pottmann, H. and Wallner, J., 2001, Computational Line Geometry, Springer, Heidelberg.
  • Pottmann, H., Asperl, A., Hofer, M. and Kilian, A., 2007, Architectural Geometry, Bentley Institute Press.
  • Liu, Y., Pottmann, H., Wallner, J., Yang Y.-L., and Wang, W., 2006, Geometric modeling with conical meshes and developable surfaces, ACM Trans. Graphics 25 (3), 681-689.
  • Bobenko, A., Pottmann, H. and Wallner, J.,2010, A curvature theory for discrete surfaces based on mesh parallelity, Math. Annalen 348, 1-24.
  • Kilian, M., Pellis, D., Wallner, J. and Pottmann, H., 2016, Material-minimizing forms and structures, ACM Trans. Graphics 36 (6), article 173.