The KAUST Coral Restoration Initiative is a large-scale coral reef restoration program in the Red Sea in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), begun in 2021 and funded by King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), a world-class graduate research university in Thuwal, Saudi Arabia on the Red Sea north of Jeddah, in partnership with NEOM, a region in northwest Saudi Arabia that is being sustainably developed from the ground up with the world’s most advanced technologies to redefine how people live, work, and play.

The initiative will begin with a 100-hectare reef restoration project at Shushah Island. This will be a global demonstration of coral restoration that integrates innovative, in-Kingdom and internationally developed technologies, pioneering propagation, planting and monitoring approaches, and international expertise to accelerate solutions for reef ecosystems at a time of unprecedented environmental change. The program’s first reefscape restoration site is located near Shushah Island, approximately 20km off the shore of NEOM. While the island itself is relatively small, it supports broad and diverse coral reef assemblage from mixed shallow reefs through mesophotic and deep reefs. Some of the shallow reefs directly adjacent to island, from a depth range of ~1m to 5m, appear to be among the best in the Red Sea with nearly 100% coral cover in some locations along the crest while other reefs are heavily degraded and in need of restoration.


The effort will be a mix of coral conservation protection, enhancement, and restoration. Corals needed for outplanting at the site of restoration will be propagated primarily in an ex-situ coral nursery, which will be the world’s largest once completed. A further, in-situ coral nursery adjacent to the restoration site will be operational prior to the commissioning of the ex-situ nursery to support restoration of priority sites within the 100-hectare area identified mutually between KAUST and NEOM. Both of these efforts will be augmented by a robust habitat enhancement program and by harnessing corals natural sexual reproduction processes to support the restoration of a thriving reefscape.

The combined strengths of KAUST and NEOM provide the research infrastructure, specialized tools and tactical support needed to advance the project to scale.

Pilot Nursery

This 1,000 sq.m. operational pilot facility within a 5,000 sq.m. land area near the primary coral nursery site focuses on coral propagation trials and staff training.

KAUST’s Coral Nursery in NEOM

Design, construct, and operate the world’s largest coral nursery with a footprint of 62,500 sq.m. within a 90,000 sq.m. land area. This facility will produce up to 400,000 corals per year.

Shushah Island Reefscape

Prepare, develop, enhance, restore, and monitor 100 hectares of coral reef adjacent to Shushah Island. By 2030, 2 million corals will be outplanted to the reef.

Digital Twin and Monitoring

Performance monitoring, data visualization, and data management with an integrated digital ecosystem (eCoralTM)developed in-house.

KAUST Shushah Island Research Center

The facility aims to offer exceptional, non-invasive educational experiences to engage tourists, scientists, and students globally in learning about Red Sea corals.

Accelerating Impact

KAUST Coral Restoration Initiative - KAUST will lead innovation on major projects of national importance, including the world’s largest coral reef restoration project at Shushah Island in NEOM.
This initiative gives KAUST a stake in the creation of a landmark and world-first marine destination focused on coral propagation, conservation, and enhancement, with nurseries producing 500,000 coral fragments per year.

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Development Nursery

Develop a pilot Nursery which will be used to test and trial various technologies and techniques that fast-track the growing of corals and streamline the operations of the primary nursery when opened.  


·     1000 sqm facility to test and trial coral propagation techniques

·     Trial and learn best practices to be implemented in the primary nursery.

·     Train staff before starting operations in the primary nursery.


What comes next:

·     The Development Nursery will be a temporary Nursery until development work is being completed on the adjacent Primary Nursery facility acting as an incubator for future large scale operations.

Pilot Nursery

Develop a Pilot Nursery which will be used to test and trial various technologies and techniques that fast-track the growing of corals and streamline the operations of the primary nursery when opened.  


  • 1000 sqm facility to test and trial coral propagation techniques
  • Trial and learn best practices to be implemented in the primary nursery..
  • Train staff before starting operations in the primary nursery.

What comes next

The Pilot Nursery will be a temporary facility adjacent to the Primary Nursery facility acting as an incubator for future large scale operations.

KAUST’s Coral Nursery in NEOM

Designing and building the world’s largest Coral Nursery at Haddah Beach on the mainland of NEOM to propagate and grow corals to be out planted at the Shushah Island Coral Reefscape. 


  • Capacity to cultivate and out-plant up to 400,000 corals per year at peak production.
  • Employ advanced and innovative techniques for aquaculture operations and coral propagation. 
  • Spaces to educate visitors on the coral restoration work being conducted by KAUST.

What comes next

Ground-breaking for construction of the primary nursery.

Shushah Island Reefscape

Employing number of KAUST’s own developed technologies along with other existing coral restoration technologies and supporting the development of additional novel approaches to conserve, enhance and restore 100-Ha reefscape near Shushah Island.


  • The world's largest single reef restoration and enhancement site.
  • OOutplanting approximately 500,000 corals per annum (~400k corals per land-based nurseries and ~100k corals from in-situ nurseries) with an expectation to out plant 2 million corals in 4-5 years.

What comes next

  • We continue to scout and collect baseline data of the site to inform the masterplan for the Reefscape.
  • A Methods Trial phase is to be rolled out shortly to test a variety of restoration and enhancement methods.
  • In-situ nursery design and procedure are being created with fabrication to follow shortly.

Digital Twin and Monitoring

Monitoring, Visualization and Data Management team is responsible for monitoring all factors of the coral reef ecosystem that could influence the success and failure of restoration and conservation, which is one of the most important elements of a conservation, restoration, and enhancement project


  • Ultimate visualization is a full digital twin that will incorporate physical, environmental, biological, and restoration and conservation data. 
  • Digital Twin serving as an educational and scientific platform.

What comes next

  • A detailed baseline survey of the reefscape will be completed in the near future.
  • Develop innovative tools that increase monitoring efficiency and automate data collection.

KAUST Shushah Island Research Center

A Global Research Center is being established directly adjacent to the Shushah Island coral reef restoration site. The center will be an educational hub where researchers from leading universities and institutions from around the world can study and exchange with fellow researchers, and also where students,tourists and guests from all backgrounds can learn about the project through visually compelling, interactive exhibits.


  • By using innovative approaches and advanced technologies to continually monitor the status of corals and reef habitat, we develop a record of data that can be used, modified and applied to future reef projects.
  • Developing a “digital twin” of the restoration work will serve to introduce both the wonder and science of these beautiful and vulnerable coral environments to wider audiences, with the aim to deepen understanding, evolve the research dialogue, and inspire future stewards of marine conservation.
  • An in-depth study of the Red Sea’s coral reefs will contribute to the global understanding of marine conservation, which will, in turn, help to advance life preserving solutions for these and other unique marine habitats.

What comes next

  • Building on an extensive network of local, national and global expertise, the Shushah project will continue to both support and lead scientific advances in the field of coral restoration and conservation, and help to establish new paradigms for reef-focused tourism and associated educational initiatives.