Develop a pilot Nursery which will be used to test and trial various technologies and techniques that fast-track the growing of corals and streamline the operations of the primary nursery when opened.
· 1000 sqm facility to test and trial coral propagation techniques
· Trial and learn best practices to be implemented in the primary nursery.
· Train staff before starting operations in the primary nursery.
What comes next:
· The Development Nursery will be a temporary Nursery until development work is being completed on the adjacent Primary Nursery facility acting as an incubator for future large scale operations.
Develop a Pilot Nursery which will be used to test and trial various technologies and techniques that fast-track the growing of corals and streamline the operations of the primary nursery when opened.
What comes next
The Pilot Nursery will be a temporary facility adjacent to the Primary Nursery facility acting as an incubator for future large scale operations.
Designing and building the world’s largest Coral Nursery at Haddah Beach on the mainland of NEOM to propagate and grow corals to be out planted at the Shushah Island Coral Reefscape.
What comes next
Ground-breaking for construction of the primary nursery.
Employing number of KAUST’s own developed technologies along with other existing coral restoration technologies and supporting the development of additional novel approaches to conserve, enhance and restore 100-Ha reefscape near Shushah Island.
What comes next
Monitoring, Visualization and Data Management team is responsible for monitoring all factors of the coral reef ecosystem that could influence the success and failure of restoration and conservation, which is one of the most important elements of a conservation, restoration, and enhancement project
What comes next
A Global Research Center is being established directly adjacent to the Shushah Island coral reef restoration site. The center will be an educational hub where researchers from leading universities and institutions from around the world can study and exchange with fellow researchers, and also where students,tourists and guests from all backgrounds can learn about the project through visually compelling, interactive exhibits.
What comes next