Professor Pottmann's research interests are in applied geometry, classical geometry, discrete differential geometry, computational design and geometry processing with a focus on applications in architecture and manufacturing.
Selected Publications
Pottmann, H. and Wallner, J., 2001, Computational Line Geometry, Springer, Heidelberg.
Pottmann, H., Asperl, A., Hofer, M. and Kilian, A., 2007, Architectural Geometry, Bentley Institute Press.
Liu, Y., Pottmann, H., Wallner, J., Yang Y.-L., and Wang, W., 2006, Geometric modeling with conical meshes and developable surfaces, ACM Trans. Graphics 25 (3), 681-689.
Bobenko, A., Pottmann, H. and Wallner, J.,2010, A curvature theory for discrete surfaces based on mesh parallelity, Math. Annalen 348, 1-24.
Kilian, M., Pellis, D., Wallner, J. and Pottmann, H., 2016, Material-minimizing forms and structures, ACM Trans. Graphics 36 (6), article 173.