KAUST is currently appointing faculty in each of its three academic divisions.
KAUST offers superb research facilities, generous assured research funding and
internationally competitive salaries; it attracts top international faculty and students to
conduct fundamental and goal-oriented research that addresses the world's pressing
scientific and technological challenges.
A successful faculty candidate at KAUST has an exceptional track record in one of the
University's focal research areas, is able to lead a high-impact research group and can
demonstrate strong commitment to graduate education. The University encourages all qualified
candidates, both international and Saudis, to apply.
Outstanding Saudi researchers wishing to pursue a faculty career at KAUST are invited to
apply to the Ibn Rush
Professorship. The Ibn Rushd Professorship is a faculty position that is open to
applicants at all ranks (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Full Professor)
"KAUST believes that personal fulfillment and discovery are integral aspects of a rewarding professional life. The University makes it easy for faculty, staff and postdoctoral fellows to balance their professional responsibilities with other aspects of their lives. Search for rewarding career opportunities in a state-of-the-art research and innovation hub on the shores of the Red Sea."