PhD in geology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,1990.
MS in geology, Colorado School of Mines, 1981.
BS in geology, KFUPM, 1977.
Research Interests
Interested in most aspects of Earth Science, particularly geology of the Arabian Plate and Red Sea. Current research on Arabian and Red Sea stratigraphy, structure, and tectonics, carbon dioxide sequestration, and underground gas storage.
Selected Publications
Baby, G., A. Delaunay, D. Rouby, J. Ye, T. Pensa, and A. M. Afifi (2024), Sediment routing systems of the eastern red sea rifted margin, Earth-Sci Rev, 249, 16.
Hoteit, H., and A. Afifi (2024), Geological hydrogen storage, in The Clean Hydrogen Economy and Saudi Arabia, edited, pp. 544-567.
Delaunay, A., G. Baby, J. Fedorik, A. M. Afifi, P. Tapponnier, and J. Dyment (2023), Structure and morphology of the Red Sea, from the mid-ocean ridge to the ocean-continent boundary, Tectonophysics, 849.
Ye, J., et al. (2023), Evaluation of geological CO2 storage potential in Saudi Arabian sedimentary basins, Earth-Sci Rev, 244.
Fedorik, J., F. E. Maesano, and A. M. Afifi (2022), A validated geomechanical model for the strike-slip restraining bend in Lebanon, Sci Rep, 12(1), 20071.