
Research Support

Rigorous scientific investigation requires systematic support. These KAUST offices provide assistance to the University's faculty in securing funding, facilitating international collaborations, administering grants, publishing findings, maintaining research-critical instrumentation and equipment, and supporting postdoctoral fellows.​

Lab Equipment Maintenance (LEM)

​Lab Equipment Maintenance (LEM) supports research and graduate education at KAUST by delivering expert technical support and maintenance of research-critical instrumentation at the University.​​

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Postdoctoral Support

KAUST seeks to attract high-caliber Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Scientists to support the University's research mission. Coming from across the globe, the University's Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Scientists bring new knowledge and innovative techniques to create a collaborative environment in which ideas and initiatives are continuously cultivated.

In support of the mission of the Vice President for Research, Postdoctoral and Researcher Support endeavors to:

  • Ensure a conducive environment where Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Scientists can advance their research experience and scholarly training;
  • Identify, implement and coordinate professional development programs for Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Scientists;
  • Provide a liaison for engagement with other University departments on matters pertaining to Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Scientists.

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