
Commencement 2014: What you need to know

Work has begun in the Discovery Walk area between the University Library and Al-Khawarizmi (building 1) in order to prepare for the 2014 Commencement Ceremony.

Below are the details:

Friday, December 12 from 7:45 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Discovery Walk, between Al-Khawarizmi (building 1) and the University Library

Student speaker will be Shamael A. Al-Shuhail, M.S. '14 Guest speaker will be President, Dr. John Hennessy from Stanford University

The entire KAUST community is invited to attend this event. Only a KAUST ID is required to enter the ceremony site and to be seated. A reserved section for families of the graduates will be available and these guests must show their invitation for entry.

Additional seating is provided in front of the Student Center (building 18) to watch the event from a live feed playing on the large screen.

For more information about commencement, click here


To all our Instagram, Twitter, Vine, and Google+ using friends: We have a special assignment for you.Get social with #KAUSTclass2014 at Commencement! Tag your best photos, short videos, congratulatory messages, and must-share reflections.

Note: If you have your privacy settings configured so things are not public, we won't be able to see or share them.