
Ph.D. student elected to IEEE's Next Generation Magneticans Advisory Board

KAUST Ph.D. student Altynay Kaidarova was elected to IEEE's Next Generation Magneticans Advisory Board in November 2017. File photo.

Altynay Kaidarova, a KAUST Ph.D. student in the University's Sensing, Magnetism and Microsystems (SMM) group, who is supervised by Associate Professor Jürgen Kosel, has been elected as one of 10 members of the Next Generation Magneticans Advisory Board at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). She became a member during the 62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM 2017), which took place from November 6 to 10, 2017, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Kaidarova was elected to the board after successfully presenting her research on underwater animal monitoring magnetic sensor systems, which was part of her master's thesis at KAUST. Kaidarova graduated with her master's degree in December 2017 and began her Ph.D. at the University soon thereafter.

The advisory board is made up of other motivated doctorate students from around the world. Kaidarova explained that "the advisory board [aims to] nurture positive interactions among its members and foster more collaboration with the global industrial community in the field of magnetism." Specifically, the board helps in preparing the program for upcoming magnetism conferences and setting up student networking sessions.

Kaidarova hopes that being part of the board will give provide her "with the necessary skills, personal connections and self-confidence" to become a contributing member of the international magnetism community, she said.

"I am honored to represent KAUST in the international arena," Kaidarova noted. She will continue to serve on the advisory board until she completes her Ph.D. degree.

Kaidarova is currently working with the SMM group to develop revolutionary, environmentally-friendly, flexible and lightweight marine sensors for underwater animal monitoring as part of the KAUST Sensor Initiative. The sensors are a crucial part of conservation efforts and help researchers predict how environmental changes may affect marine ecosystems. Some of the SMM group's research will be featured in a National Geographic broadcast set for June this year.

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