
Sponsored Research

The Office of Sponsored Research focuses on sustaining the momentum of discovery and societal impact of KAUST research by providing superior and supple services to the University's researchers and by innovatively and collaboratively catalyzing research relationships.  Success for OSR is a well-supported community of scholars who propel KAUST to high levels of distinction and relevance to the Kingdom and the world.

Office of Sponsored Research (OSR)

The Office of Sponsored Research assists the Senior Vice President for Research, Innovation and Economic Development in ensuring that KAUST's knowledge ecosystem is both world class and sustainable and that KAUST research is innovatively integrated with the University's education and economic development missions. KAUST has developed a unique funding model that allows the University to have virtually complete control over its research destiny. OSR manages this funding model by supporting the most meritorious and transformational research proposed by KAUST researchers and by catalyzing synergies and collaborations between KAUST researchers and with global partners.

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Competitive Research Funds (CRF)

Competitive Research Funds administers the University's competitive process for internal funding; this merit-based process is designed to identify the best research and researchers at KAUST.  CRF is distinguished by its strategic and operational expertise, allowing it to design, introduce, nurture, monitor and evaluate research programs that advance scientific knowledge at KAUST and in the Kingdom, the MENA region, and the world.

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Research Services (RS)

The Research Services team provides administrative and contractual support to KAUST researchers who are applying for, negotiating and managing internal and external funding.

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Research Evaluation (RE)

The Research Evaluation team uses research intelligence to report emerging trends to the Senior Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Economic Development.

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