
Thomas Finkbeiner

Research Professor, Energy Resources and Petroleum Engineering

Physical Science and Engineering Division
Center membership :
Ali I. Al-Naimi Petroleum Engineering Research Center
Rock Geomechanics Research


Education Profile

  • PhD, Stanford University, 1998
  • MSED, Stanford University, 1994

Research Interests

​Prof. Finkbeiner investigates how in response to pore pressure changes in a field/reservoir (i.e., injection, stimulation, or depletion) the reservoir rocks respond mechanically and how this impacts flow (e.g., production) from the affected reservoirs. Monitoring, laboratory testing, as well as numerical modeling will provide an understanding and enhanced predictive capabilities for these phenomena for a variety of reservoir types such as fractured reservoirs (in particular carbonates), unconventional reservoirs, and so-called brown fields (that are produced using improved and enhanced recovery methods). Another focus is on wellbore stability (i.e., mechanical integrity of boreholes both during drilling and production/injection) and real-time data acquisition and risk mitigation. Guaranteeing successful well construction is paramount for cost reduction and optimizing well delivery.  Prof. Finkbeiner is also involved in the university's circular carbon, geothermal, and Red Sea research initiatives and thrusts.

Selected Publications

  • Cardona A., Finkbeiner T., and J.C. Santamarina, submitted. Natural Rock Fractures: From Aperture to Fluid Flow.
  • Hafez A., Finkbeiner T., Liu Q., Alouhali R.A., MoellendickT.E., Santamarina J.C., 2021. The effect of particle shape on discharge and clogging. Nature, Scientific Reports, (2021) 11:3309.
  • Finkbeiner T., Bertotti G., Geiger S., 2019, Introduction to the thematic collection: Naturally fractured reservoirs. Petroleum Geoscience Geological Society of London Publications: Naturally Fractured Reservoirs.
  • Perbawa, A., Gramajo, E., Finkbeiner, T., Santamarina, J.C., 2019. Global vs Local Strain Measurements in Triaxial Tests – Implications. ARMA 19-1717. 53rd US Rock Mechanics/ Geomechanics Symposium, New York, June 2019.
  • Finkbeiner T., Chandra V., Vahrenkamp V., Yalcin B., Ramdani A., Perbawa A. 2018. Petrophysical and Geomechanical Properties of Late Jurassic Carbonates Outcropping in Central Saudi Arabia: Correlation with Depositional Sequences and Diagenetic Overprints. Search and Discovery Article #51479, Online Journal for E&P Geoscientists, (2018),