
Interim President Nadhmi Al-Nasr Remarks

 2017 Commencement Ceremony: 

Interim President Nadhmi Al-Nasr Remarks 

Class of 2017, welcome to your special day. 

It is an honor to join you and your families as you celebrate this significant accomplishment. 

I am proud of your hard work and dedication—you represent a strong future in science and technology for the Kingdom and the world. 

Families, tonight is also about you. 

You have supported our graduates throughout their academic journeys—helping them in every endeavor and reminding them of their potential. 

Graduates, please stand and give your parents and family members a round of applause. [lead applause]. 

I would like to welcome our esteemed Board of Trustees. 

Thank you for giving your time and support to the university. 

We are grateful for your dedication to KAUST. 

A special welcome also goes to our guests from industry, media and academia from around the Kingdom. 

Our partnerships and collaborations continue to flourish, serving as a foundation to support the nation’s economy and society. 

I would like our University Leadership, Deans, Center Directors and Faculty to stand and be recognized. We appreciate your ongoing commitment to educating our students. [lead applause] 

I would also like to thank our staff for your contributions to support our students every day. 

Finally, a welcome to all the members of the KAUST community. 

Graduates, tonight I encourage you to enjoy this special moment—we have all come to celebrate you and your many achievements. 

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Thank you, Hassan—it was a pleasure to hear about your experiences at KAUST. 

We are proud that Hassan, a graduate of the KAUST Gifted Student Program, is a student who has been part of our university since high school. 

His graduation today represents a success story for both KGSP and KAUST. 

It is now my pleasure to introduce this year’s distinguished commencement speaker, KAUST’s former president and my friend—Dr. Jean-Lou Chameau. 

We have been looking forward to Jean-Lou’s return to KAUST for commencement and to welcoming him as our speaker. 

Jean-Lou’s efforts helped advance our reputation as an academic and research powerhouse in the Kingdom and the world. 

His focus on building a culture of excellence brought greater collaboration among our research, education and operations teams. 

Jean-Lou’s commitment to scientific innovation helped attract strategic academic and industry partnerships to advance our research agenda. 

KAUST became a destination for the best talent in the world. 

His devotion also extended to growing our community and strengthening the sense of pride and belonging of our people. 

Before coming to KAUST, he served as President of the California Institute of Technology and is currently its President Emeritus. 

There, he strengthened the institution’s education and research initiatives and built dynamic public-private partnerships. 

Jean-Lou’s passion for research and education also extends to his active promotion of the enduring role of science and technology in society. 

He has carried this passion through the academic leadership roles in his career. 

In addition to his leadership at KAUST and Caltech, Jean-Lou was provost at Georgia Tech for many years. 

He has and continues to serve on boards of organizations such as Safran, Ma’aden, John Wiley and Sons, and the Academic Research Council of Singapore. 

He has received numerous recognitions for his accomplishments, including being a member of the US National Academy of Engineering and the French Academy of Technologies. 

Tonight we are thankful to our friend Jean-Lou for helping KAUST achieve many successes over the past four years. 

Please join me in welcoming Jean-Lou! [applause] 

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Faculty, family and friends—let us give another round applause to our graduates. We are very proud of them. [lead applause] 

Graduates, the diploma you just received recognizes your dedication, your hard work, and your tremendous accomplishments. 

The education you have received at KAUST will open many doors. 

I encourage you to embrace each opportunity you encounter with integrity, passion, and curiosity. 

As I reflect on the many commencement celebrations over the years, it is always a special moment to witness our students graduating. 

And while this is the eighth academic commencement I have attended, we have another milestone to celebrate that you may not be aware of. 

In December of 2007, ten years ago, KAUST’s masterplan was approved and building began. 

Graduates, where you sit now we envisioned would serve as a convening place, where we would celebrate your achievements and bring families from around the Kingdom and the world to honor you. 

Every year, KAUST surpasses a new milestones as we build a legacy of excellence in research and education. 

The masterplan provided a roadmap for the buildings and the infrastructure—but it is the people of KAUST whose daily efforts have transformed that vision into a reality. 

A reality that drives our mission to be a catalyst of innovation, new knowledge, and economic development for the benefit of society. 

Graduates, I am confident that throughout your career you will be leaders in science and technology in the Kingdom and the world. 

We look forward to hearing about your future achievements. 

We are proud of you and once again congratulations on this great success. 

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