
'The Mousetrap' thrills and chills KAUST audiences

Members of KAUST's Theatre Troupe are entangled in murder and intrigue during their November production of The Mousetrap. Photo courtesy: Shuo Liu

KAUST audiences had a chance to catch the Theatre Troupe's production of The Mousetrap, the world's longest running play in history, at two performances on November 23 and 24.

The Mousetrap, a murder mystery by famous British crime author Agatha Christie, has been in continuous production in London's West End theater district since 1952. Set in the English countryside at an isolated manor house during a snowstorm, murder and intrigue soon unfold, and it is up to the house's stranded inhabitants to figure out which one of them is a killer.

Featuring performances by both students and staff and outstanding direction by Ph.D. students Amber Siddiqui and Daniel Binham, the production kept audience members on the edge of their seats until the denouement. However, no one will tell who "whodunit," as audiences of the play are always asked not to reveal the surprise ending to anyone after the performance.

"We decided to perform The Mousetrap because it appeals to a large crowd," said Siddiqui. "I feel this has been the best performance by actors in our Theatre Troupe – from the acting to the sound effects to the lights, everything went smoothly, and I'm extremely proud of our production."

Both Siddiqui and Binham, the President of the Theatre Troupe, were "happily surprised" at the large turnout of the KAUST community to attend the play. "The response was remarkable," Binham said.

"It was a wonderfully unique experience working with people from different backgrounds who all came together to create a real theatre experience for our community," Siddiqui added.

The Theatre Troupe plans another production for the entire community to enjoy for the spring of 2015.

by Caitlin Clark, KAUST News