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Increase Resource Use Efficiency

Increase Resource Use Efficiency

Water is a critical resource in Saudi Arabia, and our Center is dedicated to improving its use efficiency through two key projects. In this theme, led by Professor Peiying Hong, we are developing low-energy systems to effectively utilize wastewater, addressing the unsustainable reliance on groundwater, and customizing desalination processes to create water that is specifically suited for various purposes, including food production, to reduce costs. In addition to water efficiency, we are enhancing nutrient use and soil quality, which are important for both economic and environmental sustainability. We will focus on optimizing nutrient use to reduce costs and greenhouse gas emissions. We are also addressing food waste and supporting education and outreach efforts to promote better waste management. These comprehensive approaches are designed to support sustainable food production and improve resource management in Saudi Arabia.

Areas of Focus

  • Ongoing

    Assessing the efficacy of nitrification inhibitors on nitrous oxide gas emissions

    Lead PI: Mark Tester

  • Ongoing

    Nano-encapsulation of Fertilizers and Biostimulants for Increasing Nutritional Values of Crops and Sustainable Agriculture

    Lead PI: Salim Al-Babili
    Co-PI: Niveen Kashab

  • Ongoing

    Demonstration Facility for Sustainable High-Value Proteins from Low-Value Waste

    Lead PI: Mani Sarathy
    Co-PIs: Kyle Laurensen, Claudio Grunewald

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