Jason Roos has more than 25 years of experience leading and managing information
systems and technology organizations across the defense, healthcare, higher
education, and high tech industries. He is currently the Chief Information Officer
for King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). Prior to joining
KAUST in July of 2017, Jason's experience includes serving as the Vice President and
Chief Technology Officer at City of Hope Cancer Research Center in Los Angeles and
the Vice President and Chief Technology Officer for Stanford Health Care at the
Stanford University Medical Center. His formal education includes completing a
healthcare administration postgraduate fellowship at Texas Children's Hospital, an
MBA from Texas A&M University, a BA from the University of Houston, and a
diploma from the Defense Language Institute's school of Arabic in Monterey,
California. In addition, he has served on Symantec's Technical Advisory Board, SAP's
Research and Higher Education Advisory Council, and IDC's Middle East CIO Advisory