
A keynote to remember from H.E. Abdullatif Al-Othman

His Excellency Abdullatif Al-Othman delivers the ٢٠١٦ WEP opening night keynote address on Sunday, January ١٠ at KAUST. By Nicholas Demille

It was to a packed auditorium that His Excellency Abdullatif Al-Othman, governor and chairman of the board of directors of the Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA), spoke on January 10, 2016. His talk entitled “Leadership and Innovation in Environmental Sustainability: The Future of Saudi Arabia” detailed the ambitious plans the Kingdom has to weather current and future challenges.

Al-Othman's speech was the opening keynote lecture to the University's 2016 Winter Enrichment Program (WEP). He was introduced by KAUST Professor of Plant Science Mark Tester, who opened the night's proceedings, and the University's President Jean-Lou Chameau. The lecture was an excellent introduction to the two-week schedule of WEP activities centered around the year’s theme—sustainability.

Investing in the Kingdom

Al-Othman spoke about the Kingdom’s new, ambitious plans to move towards a knowledge economy and invest heavily in alternative forms of energy production. He noted that “the Kingdom has identified over 19 billion in sustainable energy projects,” something he said would create jobs and diversify the economy.

Calling on his fellow Saudis to roll up their sleeves and contribute meaningfully to moving the country forward, Al-Othman said, “Those who can do more, must do more. Those with a greater ability to create a brighter future for our children must do so.”

Al-Othman is in the ideal position to understand how this investment can help improve the Kingdom’s economy. Appointed governor of SAGIA in 2012, he also spent more than three decades at Saudi Aramco in various leadership and executive positions.

A charge for success

Al-Othman is no stranger to big challenges and hard-won victories. He earned an MBA from the prestigious MIT Sloan Fellows Program after receiving a highly competitive fellowship to attend the program, and watched as KAUST rose from the Saudi desert sands.

“I have very fond memories of KAUST, as it is the embodiment of our late King Abdullah’s vision ‘to create an enduring model for advanced education and scientific research,'” Al-Othman said. “While the leadership of the King has set us on the right path, it is up to each of us to be stewards of his vision.”

He plainly laid out the path to success for KAUST. “Saudi Arabia believes in [the University's] potential,” he said. "Ultimately, however, it is up to you as an institution to ask yourself, ‘Are we really enriching the Kingdom and the world?’ This is your scorecard and I look forward to working with you to achieve it.”

Al-Othman also spoke of his affection for the University—not only because of his close relationship with President Chameau, but also because of the immense pride Saudis in general feel about their one-of-a-kind creation.

“It’s a point of pride for Saudis to see KAUST grow and succeed,” he said.

- By Nicholas Demille, KAUST News