

المؤهل العلمي

  • دكتوراه من جامعة كامبردج، المملكة المتحدة، 1996
  • ماجستير علوم من معهد الأبحاث الزراعية الهندي، نيودلهي، الهند، 1991
  • بكالوريوس علوم بديهان تشاندرا كريشي فيزوافيدياليا، الهند، 1989

الاهتمامات البحثية

تتمثل اهتمامات البروفسور بين في تسلسل الانتاج العالي والجينات المقارنة بين مسببات الأمراض في الإنسان والحيوان وتفاعلات مسببات الأمراض والترميز غير البروتيني وتنظيم تعابير الجينات والطفيليات والسلسل العميق لمجموعات الميكروبات للدراسة التجريبية لتنوع الجينومات وخصائص الكائنات القابلة للملاحظة وترجمة نتائج الأبحاث إلى وسائل تشخيصية وعلاجية

مؤلفات مختارة

  • Reid AJ, Blake DP, Ansari HR, Billington K, Browne HP, Bryant JM, Dunn M, Hung SS, Kawahara F, Miranda-Saavedra D, Malas T, Mourier T, Naghra H, Nair M, Otto TD, Rawlings ND, Rivailler P, Sanchez-Flores A, Sanders M, Subramaniam C, Tay YL, Woo Y, Wu X, Barrell B, Dear PH, Doerig C, Gruber A, Ivens AC, Parkinson J, Rajandream M A, Shirley MW, Wan KL, Berriman M, Tomley FM & Pain, A. (2014). "Genomic analysis of the causative agents of coccidiosis in domestic chickens." Genome Res doi:10.1101/gr.168955.113
  • Guttery, DS, Poulin, B, Ramaprasad, A, Wall, RJ, Ferguson, DJ, Brady, D, Patzewitz, EM, Whipple, S, Straschil, U, Wright, MH, Mohamed, AM, Radhakrishnan, A, Arold, ST, Tate, EW, Holder, AA, Wickstead, B, Pain, A & Tewari, R. "Genome-wide Functional Analysis of Plasmodium Protein Phosphatases Reveals Key Regulators of Parasite Development and Differentiation." Cell Host Microbe 16, 128-140, doi:10.1016/j.chom.2014.05.020 (2014).
  • Jackson AP, Otto TD, Darby A, Ramaprasad A, Xia D, Echaide IE, Farber M, Gahlot S, Gamble J, Gupta D, Gupta Y, Jackson L, Malandrin L, Malas TB, Moussa E., Nair M, Reid AJ, Sanders M, Sharma J, Tracey A, Quail MA, Weir W, Wastling JM, Hall N, Willadsen P, Lingelbach K, Shiels B, Tait A, Berriman M, Allred DR & Pain, A. (2014). "The evolutionary dynamics of variant antigen genes in Babesia reveal a history of genomic innovation underlying host-parasite interaction." Nucleic Acids Res 42, 7113-7131, doi:10.1093/nar/gku322
  • Abd El Ghany, M, Chander, J, Mutreja, A, Rashid, M, Hill-Cawthorne, GA, Ali, S, Naeem, R, Thomson, NR, Dougan, G & Pain, A. "The Population Structure of Vibrio cholerae from the Chandigarh Region of Northern India." PLoS Negl Trop Dis 8, e2981, doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0002981 (2014).
  • Naeem, R, Hidayah, L, Preston, MD, Clark, TG & Pain, A. "SVAMP: sequence variation analysis, maps and phylogeny." Bioinformatics 30, 2227-2229, doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btu176 (2014).
  • Woods, KL, Theiler, R, Muhlemann, M, Segiser, A, Huber, S, Ansari, HR, Pain, A & Dobbelaere, DA. "Recruitment of EB1, a master regulator of microtubule dynamics, to the surface of the Theileria annulata schizont." PLoS Pathog 9, e1003346, doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1003346 (2013).
  • Reid, AJ, Vermont, SJ, Cotton JA, Harris D, Hill-Cawthorne GA, Konen-Waisman S, Latham SM, Mourier T, Norton R, Quail MA, Sanders M, Shanmugam D, Sohal A, Wasmuth JD, Brunk B, Grigg ME, Howard JC, Parkinson J, Roos DS, Trees, AJ, Berriman M, Pain A* & Wastling JM*. (2012). "Comparative genomics of the apicomplexan parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum: Coccidia differing in host range and transmission strategy." PLoS Pathog 8, e1002567, doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1002567
  • Mourier T, Carret C, Kyes S, Christodoulou Z, Gardner PP, Jeffares DC, Pinches R, Barrell B, Berriman M, Griffiths-Jones S, Ivens A, Newbold C, Pain A. "Genome-wide discovery and verification of novel structured RNAs in Plasmodium falciparum." Genome Res (2008), doi: 10.1101/gr.6836108
  • Pain A, Böhme U, Berry AE, Mungall K, Finn RD, Jackson AP, Mourier T, Mistry J, Pasini EM, Aslett MA, Balasubrammaniam S, Borgwardt K, Brooks K, Carret C, Carver TJ, Cherevach I, Chillingworth T, Clark TG, Galinski MR, Hall N, Harper D, Harris D, Hauser H, Ivens A, Janssen CS, Keane T, Larke N, Lapp S, Marti M, Moule S, Meyer IM, Ormond D, Peters N, Sanders M, Sanders S, Sargeant TJ, Simmonds M, Smith F, Squares R, Thurston S, Tivey AR, Walker D, White B, Zuiderwijk E, Churcher C, Quail MA, Cowman AF, Turner CM, Rajandream MA, Kocken CH, Thomas AW, Newbold CI, Barrell BG, Berriman M. (2008). "The genome sequence of simian and human malaria parasite Plasmodium knowlesi." Nature. 2008 Oct 9;455(7214):799-803. doi: 10.1038/nature07306
  • Pain A, Renauld H, Berriman M, Murphy L, Yeats CA, Weir W, Kerhornou A, Aslett M, Bishop R, Bouchier C, Cochet M, Coulson RM, Cronin A, de Villiers EP, Fraser A, Fosker N, Gardner M, Goble A, Griffiths-Jones S, Harris DE, Katzer F, Larke N, Lord A, Maser P, McKellar S, Mooney P, Morton F, Nene V, O'Neil S, Price C, Quail MA, Rabbinowitsch E, Rawlings ND, Rutter S, Saunders D, Seeger K, Shah T, Squares R, Squares S, Tivey A, Walker AR, Woodward J, Dobbelaere DA, Langsley G, Rajandream MA, McKeever D, Shiels B, Tait A, Barrell B, Hall N. (2005). "Genome of the host-cell transforming parasite Theileria annulata compared with T. parva". Science, 309(5731), 131-133.