

المؤهل العلمي

  • دكتوراه، المعهد الوطني للفنون التطبيقية في تولوز (INPT)، تولوز، فرنسا، 1994
  • ماجستير، علوم الحاسب الآلي، جامعة لوفان، بلجيكا، 1989

الاهتمامات البحثية

البروفيسور مارك داسيير هو مستشار وخبير معترف به دوليًا في مجال الأمن السيبراني، يمتلك سيرة وظيفية حافلة بالمناصب العليا في المجالات الاكاديمية والصناعية، عمل في أكثر من ١٢٠ لجنة برنامج في جميع مؤتمرات الأمان والاعتمادية الرئيسية وهو عضو في هيئة تحرير للعديد من المجلات التقنية والعلمية رفيعة المستوى.

مؤلفات مختارة

  • An industrial perspective on web scraping characteristics and open issues, E Chiapponi, M Dacier, O Thonnard, M Fangar, M Mattsson, V Rigal2022 52nd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable System
  • WPAD: Waiting Patiently for an Announced Disaster, E Boulila, M Dacier, ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR)
  • Badpass: Bots taking advantage of proxy as a service, E Chiapponi, M Dacier, O Thonnard, M Fangar, V Rigal
  • ImMuNE: Improved Multilateration in Noisy Environments, M Champion, M Dacier, E Chiapponi, M Fangar, V Rigal
  • Dhia Farrah, Marc Dacier, “Zero Conf Protocols and their numerous Man In The Middle (MITM) Attacks”, Proc. of WOOT 2021, the 15th IEEE Workshop on Offensive Technologies, May 27, 2021, collocated with IEEE S&P and in cooperation with Usenix.
  • Vitale, A., & Dacier, M. (2021). Inmap-t: Leveraging TTCN-3 to Test the Security Impact of Intra Network Elements. Journal of Computer and Communications, 09(06), 174–190. doi:10.4236/jcc.2021.96010.
  • Elisa Chiapponi, Onur Catakoglu, Olivier Thonnard, Marc Dacier, HoPLA: a Honeypot Platform to Lure Attackers. Proc. of the C&ESAR 2020, Computer & Electronics SecurityApplications Rendez-vous, Deceptive security Conference, part of European CyberWeek. Rennes, France, (2020).
  • Elisa Chiapponi, Marc Dacier, Massimiliano Todisco, Onur Catakoglu and Olivier Thonnard, "Botnet sizes: when maths meet myths", Proc. of CFTIC 2020, 1st International Workshop on Cyber Forensics and Threat INvestigations Challenges in Emerging Infrastructures, held in conjunction with the 18th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2020), 14-17 December 2020, Dubai, UAE.
  • Y. Zhauniarovich, I. Khalil, T. Yu, and M. Dacier, "A Survey on Malicious Domains Detection through DNS Data Analysis", Journal ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 51, Issue 4, July 2018, 36 pages,DOI:
  • M Dacier, M. Bailey, M. Polychronakis (Editors), Proc. Of the 20th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID 2017), Atlanta (GA), USA, September 18-20 2017.
  • Marc Dacier, Hartmut König, Radoslaw Cwalinski, Frank Kargl, Sven Dietrich, « Security Challenges and Opportunities of Software Defined Networks », Journal IEEE Security and Privacy, 15(2), 2017.
  • Marc Dacier, Hartmut König, Radoslaw Cwalinski, Frank Kargl, Sven Dietrich, "Security Challenges and Opportunities of Software Defined Networks", Journal IEEE Security and Privacy, 15(2), 2016.
  • Marc Dacier, Sven Dietrich, Frank Kargl, Hartmut König: Network Attack Detection and Defense (Dagstuhl Seminar 16361), Dagstuhl Reports 6(9): 1-28 (2016).
  • F Monrose, M Dacier, G Blanc, J Garcia-Alfaro (Editors), Proc. Of the 19th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID 2016), Paris, France, September 19-21 2016.
  • Michael Aupetit, Yury Zhauniarovich, Giorgos Vasiliadis, Marc Dacier, Yazan Boshmaf, Visualization of actionable knowledge to mitigate DRDoS attacks, Proc. of 2016 IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec), pp 1-8.