
سوزانا كارفالهو

أستاذ باحث مشارك, علوم البحار | مدير قطاع العلوم البحرية

قسم العلوم والهندسة البيولوجية والبيئية

مؤلفات مختارة

  • Gonzalez, Daraghmeh, Lozano-Cortés, Benzoni, Berumen, Carvalho, 2024, Differential spatio-temporal responses of Red Sea coral reef benthic communities to a mass bleaching event: Scientific Reports, 14 (1), 24229.
  • Aylagas, Shchepanik, Pearman, Parisi, Curdia, Berumen, Carvalho, 2024, Disentangling eukaryotic biodiversity patterns from man-made environments (port and marina) and nearby coral reefs in the Red Sea: A focus on the surveillance of non-indigenous species: Environmental DNA, 6(4), e583.
  • Villalobos, Aylagas, Pearman, Curdia,Coker, Bell, Brown, Rowe, Lozano-Cortés, Rabaoui, Marshell, Qurban, Jones, Berumen, Carvalho, 2024, Biodiversity patterns of the coral reef cryptobiota around the Arabian Peninsula: Scientific Reports, 14, 9532.
  • Carreira, Joyce, Morán, Carvalho, Falkenberg, Lønborg, 2024, Too hot to handle? An urgent need to understand climate change impacts on the biogeochemistry of tropical coastal waters: Global Change Biology, 30, e17074.
  • Carvalho, Shchepanik, Aylagas, Berumen, Costa, Costello, Duarte, Ferrario, Floerl, Heinle, Katsanevakis, Marchini, Olenin, Pearman, Peixoto, Rabaoui, Ruiz, Srėbalienė, Therriault, Vieira, Zaiko, 2023, Hurdles and opportunities in implementing marine biosecurity systems in data-poor regions: BioScience, 73, 494-512.